Pupil Premium Spending
The school benefits from additional Pupil Premium funding which is allocated according to free school meals data taken from the previous 6 years figures. The school is tasked to utilise this funding as it sees fit with the express purpose of addressing under-performance and closing the attainment gap.
It is nationally recognised that pupils who qualify for free school meals can under-perform. Accordingly, the government allocates funding to support schools to close the gap. Support for eligible pupils is designed to close the gap academically. We are aware that this generalisation will produce exceptions and that individual pupils needs must be met according to personal progress and achievement data. All staff in school are aware of any pupils that receive this additional funding and may be classed as disadvantaged, allowing them to take responsibility for progress. Staff are aware that these pupils may need additional interventions above those of the rest of the class.
Latest guidance: Pupil premium - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Below is the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for the academic years 2024 - 2027. This statement will be reviewed and published annually alongside the Chair of Governors, A. Bamford. The statement details the amount of funding received during this academic year and how this is allocated in school. This statement is supported by evidence based research outcomes from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).