Every Friday we celebrate key areas of our school:
- Pupil of the Week.
Every week, all class teachers nominate a child in their class to be celebrated in our special 'Friday Celebration’ assembly. These children are awarded with a ‘Pupil of the Week’ certificate to take home. Winners are announced in our fortnightly school newsletter. Please click here to access our newsletter
- Reader of the week. Again, this is where each class teacher picks one child from their class for their excellent effort in reading.
- Pen license. This is where children are celebrated as they move from pencil to pen!
Most Improved of the Week. This can be an area of improvement during the week, such as behaviour or effort.
Every Friday we choose one child from each class for their outstanding work ethic. They are then celebrated in Friday's 'Pupil of the Week' section of our assembly!
Here are the 'Pupil of the Week' winners for Friday 7th February 2025
Daisy- for trying really hard with everything she has been asked to do and keeping going even when it's challenging.
Caleb - for a much improved attitude to school and joining in.
Paris- for working really hard.
Erin - for great listening in all lessons. Always shows the 'Golden Norms'.
Roman- has had a really positive week in class. He has been kind and polite towards Miss Oates and has worked hard in all lessons.
Elsie - shows such a love and joy for learning. Always asking for more work and wants to challenge herself at home.
Thea - being really kind and helpful around the classroom.
Nualah - excellent effort in her learning ad always shows kindness to others.
Marnay - for a positive attitude to learning.
Archie - for an amazing attitude to learning.
Brayden - for trying his best to make positive choices and for giving his mock SATs a really good go.
Stratford Upon Avon
Amelia - for working well in a variety of groups in the classroom. She listens attentively to others and shares her ideas too.
Elliora - for being a great role model.