Value Word Champions
At the start of each half term there is a whole school assembly where one of the school values is introduced. This value then acts as a stimulus to aid discussions throughout the half term. At the end of the half term Children who have championed the value are celebrated in a whole school assembly and presented with a certificate. Winners are announced on our school newsletter, as well as celebrated in this assembly.
Once, every half term, we recognise children for their efforts in meeting one of our core values. Please see our value word winners, below, for 2024-2025.
Here are the 'Value Word Winners' for Autumn 1 2024:
Here are the 'Value Word Winners' for Autumn 2 2024:
Here are the 'Value Word Winners' for Spring 1 2025:
Here are the 'Value Word Winners' for Spring 2 2025:
Here are the 'Value Word Winners' for Summer 1 2025:
Here are the 'Value Word Winners' for Summer 2 2025: